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4 Elements Yagi

Posted: Sun 13. Feb 2011, 13:20
by qrz11
* TNX to 19 SD 348 *



Serious results can be expect when you have a 4 elements Yagi, in most
cases all what the Big-guns are working you will be able to hear and work
the Dx as well.
With the 4 elements yagi we come on a point when we must pay serious
effort to ouwer mast and rotating system. Light 4 element can still be
used with light rotators like channelmaster although their life is reduced
with extra bearings this again is lenght. But better is to put a system on
your mast like a G600 or an equivelent and a heavy duty 4 elements with
this you will have a long lasting solution and one wich is able to make
some great DX-results.